CHH serves businesses throughout California, Nevada & Arizona providing the convenience of on-site (mobile van) hearing and respiratory testing. Our aesthetically pleasing test vans are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and designed to provide a professional and valued experience making completion of these necessary services easy to accomplish. The mobile service is routed to accommodate a company’s production schedule and the various work shifts. The procedure is efficiently streamlined to minimize costly off-the-job time without compromising either the quality of the testing or the importance of personal attention.
An accredited and licensed Audiologist, whose specialty is the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss, oversees CAOHC certified technicians to assure that the equipment and procedures fully satisfy OSHA/MSHA requirements and workers’ compensation standards. A printed copy of the participant’s test result is provided following the hearing test. The results display the comparison of the current test to the baseline (first time) test. An explanation of how to interpret the results is also part of the printout for each participant. In most cases the “Summary Report to Management” is available within 3 days, allowing for prompt follow up attention as may be recommended by our audiologist.